I decided I would make something to decorate for Valentines Day. I came across this crochet heart garland and thought it would be cute on my mantle. http://www.skiptomylou.org/2009/01/28
/crochet-heart-garland/ Since it was cold and snowy today staying in the house was the thing to do. I started working on the hearts for the garland with yarn from my stash. The yarn is Bernat Handicrafter Holiday Sparkle. It is a Christmas yarn but it is cotton with a silver thread in it. So I think it is nice for this project. Here are the hearts I have completed so far. Since I get distracted easily I started thinking about making a new dish scrubby because the one I have is getting very worn and doesn't even work that well any more. I got it in a package of 3 along with some pink measuring cups from JoAnn's. I like those scrubbies from JoAnn's but I really don't need any more measuring cups. I have been wanting to make some scrubbies out of nylon tulle for some time now. I have had these various colors of tulle on a spool in my stash for a while now. I may as well use them. I got 20 yds by 6 inches for $.97 on the clearance rack, with the intention of making dish scrubbies.
I found this lovely bright pink tulle spool and a Pattern for Rosebud Dish Scrubbies in the book MaryJane's Stiching Room by MaryJane Butters. This book has all kinds of old fashioned crafty things inside. I have tried a few of them. So with the pink tulle and the pattern I whipped up a Rosebud Dish Scrubby in no time at all. Since the pattern called for 3 inch wide pieces of tulle I cut the whole roll in half before starting on my scrubby.