I love making a using knitted and crocheted cotton dishcloths. I also love to sew. I have had this idea rolling around in my head for a sewn dishcloth. I wanted something different than a hemmed piece of terry cloth. This is what I came up with. It is quick and easy to make and I think very useful too.
To make it I cut 4 pieces of cotton flannel 9"x12" and 2 pieces of nylon netting 9"x12". Really you could use any size you feel comfortable with. I picked this size because it is what I had leftover
from another project.
Next layer 2 pieces of nylon netting followed by a piece of flannel right side facing the nylon netting. And then the last 3 pieces of flannel right side facing up.
Mark a diagonal line on the true bias. The true bias is the diagonal line crossing the grain at a 45 degree angel. Sew all layers across this line and at 1/2 inch intervals until the whole piece is sewn together.
Trim the edges to even things up if necessary. Then cut the top three layers of fabric between the stitching. Be careful not to cut through the bottom layer of flannel or any of the netting.
Next sew along the edge 1/2 inch from the edge.
The last step is to machine wash and dry the
washcloth. This will make the fabric edges fluff up making a soft washcloth or chenille top.
This make a washcloth with a soft absorbent top. The nylon netting on the back makes a good pot scrubber but it is still not going to scratch anything. I designed this as a dishcloth but I think it would also make a good bath cloth too. The netting side would be a good exfoliating scrub.
This make a washcloth with a soft absorbent top. The nylon netting on the back makes a good pot scrubber but it is still not going to scratch anything. I designed this as a dishcloth but I think it would also make a good bath cloth too. The netting side would be a good exfoliating scrub.
Very clever. Have you had a chance to try it out?